Happy New Year! I can hardly believe it’s already 2018. I was hoping to get this post out before the end of the year but alas the holidays took over and you know what they say about the road to hell being paved with good intentions… Oh well, enough self flogging, let’s get on with it.
This year was extremely busy and productive for me photographically. It was pretty tough to narrow down my favorite images from 2017 and as I look back over the year’s travels and adventures most of my photo trips centered around my photography workshop schedule (
www.greenmtnphotoworkshops.com). In fact, most of the locations I found myself photographing this year were familiar, and in some cases they were locations I’ve visited many times prior. As much as I enjoy visiting and exploring new landscapes I often find myself overwhelmed and distracted, seldom making my best work during the initial visit to a location. Return visits allow me to capitalize on my familiarity with the place and focus on expanding my vision, searching for deeper, more meanignful compositions and interactions between light and land.
2017 had me leading photo workshops and tours in Utah, Arizona, Nevada, California, Washington, Colorado, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine and Iceland. As I narrowed my selection to the 17 images included here I noticed a theme emerging. Many, if not all of these images were made during extremely fleeting and epemeral moments in nature; moments of sublime and fleeting light and when elements like waves, rushing water or colorful foliage climaxed with other compositional elements at the decisive moment to create a truly dynamic image.
If you are planning to prioritize your photography and have photo resolutions or goals in 2018 please consider joining us for one of our photography workshops or tours. We’ve got a fantastic line up for 2018 with several additions yet to come. So without further ado here are my favorite images from 2017.

“Beckoning,” Canyon Country, Utah

“Final Frame,” South Coast Iceland

“Quadrophenia,” Iceland

“Confluence,” Olympic National Park, Washington

“Canyon Blush,” Caynonlands National Park, Utah

“San Juan Glow,” San Juan Mountains, Colorado

“Turn on Your Love Light,” San Juan Mountains, Colorado

“Honey Hollow Heaven,” Green Mountains, Vermont

“The Wanderer,” Iceland

“Crash Into Me,” Jokulsarlon Iceberg Beach, Iceland

“Seljalandsfosstastic,” South Coast Iceland

“Aspen Vortex,” San Juan Mountains, Colorado

“Dividing Lines,” San Juan Mountains, Colorado

“Morning Dance,” San Juan Mountains, Colorado

“Autumn Chute,” Groton State Forest, Vermont

“San Juan Storm Light,” San Juan Mountains, Colorado
Bonus Image #18 to usher in 2018 and all the amazing light and locations yet to visit in the new year. I hope everyone has amazing plans and glorious light in 2018. Thanks for indulging me the opportunity to share some of my favorites from the past year of photographic adventures. I’d love to know which are your favorites in the comments section below. Feel free to share with family and friends. Be well and stay in touch in 2018!

“Upward,” Acadia National Park, Maine
Love these, just great light on all of them!