by kbpadmn | Creativity, Digital Photography, How To, Inspiration, Landscape Photography, Nove Scotia
Over the past several years I’ve notice my work evolving more toward favoring the wide-angle landscape. What can I say? I’m addicted to big scenes and wide-angle compositions that showcase a stunning landscape and dramatic sky. In composing scenes like these I...
by kbpadmn | Black and White, Creativity, Digital Photography, How To, Inspiration, Landscape Photography, Vermont
Then photograph differently! I don’t mean to be glib, but it’s really true. We’ve all no doubt heard the famous Albert Einstein quote about the definition of insanity: something like doing the same thing over and over the same way and expecting a different...
by kbpadmn | Belize, Digital Photography, How To, Inspiration, Landscape Photography
Sometimes we’re too close to our work to make the right judgment about whether it’s good or not good; whether an image is a keeper or destined to a life of obscurity in the deep recesses of a hard drive. More specifically I think we’re too close to the event or...
by kbpadmn | Deserts, Digital Photography, How To, Inspiration, Landscape Photography
All photographers are students of light but as landscape specialists we’ve got to be keenly aware of the subtle nuances of light on the landscape, particularly if we want our images to stand out in a crowd of ever-growing landscape imagery. In my last post “Getting...